


  • CAS Number: 9050-36-6
  • Appearance: Solid
  • Purity:%
  • Made in: China 
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Maltodextrin is a modified starch. It is a polysaccharide that is widely used in the food industry.  Maltodextrin is often produced from starch grains and also is used as a suitable dietary supplement.

maltodextrin appearance

Food manufacturers use maltodextrin to improve the taste and quality of food and also to increase the shelf life of their products. The appearance of this carbohydrate in standard conditions is a white powder that dissolves well in water.

This carbohydrate is widely used in the production of food products such as bread, canned food and baby food, it makes the product easier for the body to digest.

In general, no harmful effects and toxicity of this natural substance have been reported and its side effects are very limited. Athletes and bodybuilders often use these carbohydrates to supply energy to the muscles of the body.

High consumption of this Polysaccharide is not recommended for people who suffer from diabetes, in the following, we will describe more about the physical and chemical properties and also most applications of this natural starch.

Similar product: Carboxymethylcellulose

Physical and chemical properties:

This compound is very similar to the solids in corn syrup because both of these are hydrolyzed for preparation and can be easily dissolved in water, the only difference being their sugar content.

The chemical structure of this carbohydrate is as follows:

maltodextrin chemical structure

Maltodextrin is composed of long carbohydrate chains. In other words, this white powder is a very long chain chemical in which glucose molecules are repeatedly linked together, which is why this product is divided into complex carbohydrates as opposed to simple carbohydrates such as glucose.

The most important physical and chemical properties of this polysaccharide can be summarized in the following table:

Name maltodextrin
Molecular weight (g/mol) 504.5
Density (g/mL) 1.14
Melting point (°C) 240
Boiling point (°C) 527.1
PH 4.5
Solubility in water Completely soluble


Maltodextrin and gluten:

Maltodextrin has no gluten. This Polysaccharide is usually gluten-free due to its processing nature, even when made from wheat. It is generally considered safe for both patients with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten allergy.

The production process of maltodextrin:

The production process of maltodextrin is very diverse, the most important production methods of this polysaccharide include two single-step and two-step processes, which will be described in detail below:

In a process known as the one-step process, the starch is gelatinized during certain operations and a certain concentration. it is reacted with an acid or enzyme at a temperature of about 100 ° C to obtain the desired product.

maltodextrin production process

In the next process, which is called the two-step process, the starch is gelatinized in the presence of acid or enzyme at a temperature of about 100 ° C, then the temperature is raised to 180 ° C and by adding acid It is hydrolyzed to the desired degree.

Finally, for both stages, drying and purification operations are performed to achieve the desired degree of purity.

Read more: Sodium Metabisulfite

Applications and uses of maltodextrin:

The main use of this starch is in the production of various materials and food products. Maltodextrin can be added in dried form to the liquid compounds present in the production of dough. this Food additive is easily mixed with natural oils and fats to create stable emulsions. We will discuss these applications below:

  • In the production of baby food, the addition of this substance increases the volume of the product and it is also a good substitute for lactose. These carbohydrates help the body digest food easily and give it a mild taste.
  • In the production of bread and cakes, this polysaccharide is used to maintain the quality and moisture of the product.

maltodextrin in the food industry

  • In the production of canned foods, maltodextrin is used to increase the volume and viscosity of the product.
  • Most natural beverage combinations use this white powder to create the quality and clarity for them.
  • These carbohydrates are also used in the production of various sports supplements that provide the necessary energy for athletes.

Maltodextrin side effects:

Maltodextrin can lead to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can cause weight gain, diabetes, and inflammation in the human body, the glycemic index of maltodextrin is even higher than sugar.

Researchers have shown that this Starch has the most adverse effects on blood sugar and has no nutritional value. For this reason alone, natural sources of starch and complex carbohydrates are less desirable. If you want to lose weight, limit or avoid maltodextrin.

This Starch may affect the balance of intestinal bacteria and increase the amount of so-called “bad” bacteria in the digestive system. It has even been shown to cause an increase in mice and has been shown to alter intestinal bacteria.

The increase in bad bacteria can lead to inflammation, digestive problems, and even autoimmune disorders. Excessive consumption of this substance can lead to problems such as bloating or diarrhea.

Transporting and storage:

Use the right packaging and choose a place to store it away from heat.